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Here's everything you could possibly want to know about what happens when you go on First Dates Ireland
THERE’S NOTHING WE love to see more than Irish people going on TV shows like First Dates.
Every Tuesday night, the nation is glued to RTÉ Two, waiting to see if anybody that they know is on the show. Maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of a background dater who you worked with in Tesco five years ago, or you might have to frantically text your cousin and tell her that her ex is on the telly.
For viewers, there’s usually plenty of laughs, and sometimes even a couple of tears. But what’s it actually like to go on the show? We had a chat with four daters from First Dates Ireland who had pretty varying experiences.
The daters we spoke to were John-Charles (who featured on the first ever Irish Sign Language episode of the TV show), photographer Martin (who Twitter users jokingly nicknamed Dracula’s gay brother), Úna (who works with Trinity College’s Student Union) and Ailbhe, who used her experience on First Dates to get out of trouble with the Guards.
First up, we asked the daters if there was anything that had really surprised them about their experience on the show.
Úna couldn’t believe how real the date felt. “The cameras are actually hidden! They don’t stop the date to say things like ‘Sorry, could you say that last bit again?’, so it was similar to the natural flow of a date, which was good”.
Another thing that took Úna by surprise was how much craic she got to have before the date had even began. Beforehand, she got to know the other daters (they were divided by gender, obviously) and they all played drinking games before their dates began. Ailbhe was similarly surprised by this:
Ailbhe also mentioned that her date was at 1pm, so she had to arrive at 10.30am. So, while drinking at 10.30am could help calm the nerves for some people, it’s fairly understandable that others would just want to stick to the tea and coffee at that hour.
One big question that viewers have on their minds while they’re watching the show is “Do they really have to pay for all of the food?”
The answer is yes, pretty much. John-Charles told that they’re given a bit of money towards the meal, but participants can expect to pay for most of the meal themselves. It kind of makes sense, because there’s no way we’d get to see daters awkwardly decide who pays if the meal was free.
Martin didn’t exactly get the memo about paying for the meal himself. He told us:
We then asked John-Charles, Ailbhe, Martin and Úna about the highlights of their dates.
John-Charles told us:
(While on the show, John-Charles explained to his date Stephen that on a regular date, he usually has to communicate via text. He’ll write out a sentence, then pass the phone to his date, which is understandably quite exhausting for him).
Ailbhe’s highlight of the date was slightly less profound. She simply responded “The food.” Martin told us that he loved the whole experience, but particularly enjoyed hanging out with the COCO TV producers while making the pre-filmed interview.
Úna’s favourite bit of the date was the little sesh in the hotel room before the actual date. To be honest, plenty of people could probably be convinced to apply for the show for that part alone.
Apart from John-Charles, none of the daters remain in touch with their date from the show.
John-Charles told us that viewers were raging when the episode ended and they learned that him and Stephen had not stayed together. At least we can take comfort in the fact that they’re still on good terms. Stephen has since moved to London, and John-Charles is fairly busy with work and college at the moment.
Things didn’t end so positively for the other daters. Ailbhe’s response to being asked if she was still in contact with her date was “Oh God no.”
Martin’s date on the show went great, but it wasn’t meant to be:
Úna’s not in touch with her date from the show either, but she’s in a very happy relationship since her appearance on the show, so she’s not too bothered.
We asked the daters if they had been brave enough to check social media on the evening that their episode aired…
It seems that most of them had viewing parties with their friends to cope with suddenly being discussed by hundreds of strangers on Twitter. Ailbhe got her friends to check what the consensus on Twitter was before having a peek at it herself:
John-Charles wasn’t shy about checking social media:
Martin and his friends were glued to their phones.
Unlike the other daters we spoke to, Úna was anticipating some negative tweets, but in the end it was all good. She said:
Did Úna, Ailbhe, John-Charles or Martin regret going on the show at all?
For John-Charles and Martin, the answer was “No, not at all”. John-Charles thought it was a good challenge for both himself and First Dates, and Martin said that he enjoyed every minute of it.
Ailbhe was a little bit more worried though:
Úna was also freaking out a little bit before her episode was due to broadcast.
We also asked the daters if they were disappointed by any aspect of their experience on First Dates Ireland.
Martin and Úna found that the amount of editing that was done had let them down. Úna couldn’t believe how little of the date actually made it onto the show.
Martin didn’t like all of his parts that made it into the final product, and told us:
However, John-Charles and Ailbhe were disappointed for other reasons. John-Charles explained:
Ailbhe also explained that she was disappointed by some of the prompts that happened off-camera. Ailbhe, as explained earlier, lost her mother when she was young and found herself partnered with a guy who had lost his father when he was younger.
She explained that she’s well aware that this is typical on television, but it still made her uneasy.
We got in touch with RTÉ, to see if they had any comment on situations like what John-Charles and Ailbhe experience, and they told us:
“First Dates is all about the love. Finding genuine matches is our primary objective. We talk to all our daters many times before they go to the restaurant, often over a period of months. What our daters discuss with us completely infforms how we match them, and it is those stories that we encourage them to share once they are in the restaurant. Matches are made based on many and varied criteria, never just one.”
Finally, we asked these four daters if anyone had recognised them after they took part in the show.
John-Charles noticed that a lot of people in public were looking at him like they recognised him, and shortly after he was at a friend’s wedding and someone finally approached him:
Martin said that people on nights out were usually the ones that recognised him most (or at least had the courage to approach him screaming “HEY ARE YOU THAT FELLA OFF OF FIRST DATES??”
Úna and Ailbhe also agreed that they were mostly approached while drunk, or in a nightclub. Ailbhe also escaped a run-in with a Garda who recognised her from First Dates.
Everyone who had been on the show had more or less said they’d recommend applying for the show to anybody who was considering it.
Martin pointed out that it might not work for everyone, though.
So, if you’ve ever thought about applying to First Dates, here’s that final push you needed. You can apply for the next series here.
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